Developed by Jira Admins for Jira Admins, excentia Admin Tools for Jira provides helpful tools, customizable utilities and useful information.
Custom conditions, validators and post-functions, an issue tab for transition history, a workflow summary report, or a restart mode for Linux environments are some of the functionalities.
Check all the amazing features on the renewed documentation and download for free!
Recent release comes with a maintenance mode for Jira to meet admins demand.
As Atlassian Gold Solution Partners ourselves, we have experimented some issues when working on Jira installations for our customers. An user introducing data whilst work on Jira is being done, could be a potential threat. An administrator working on configuration could affect Jira users work. What about effectively communicating that maintenance mode it’s being carried on? This has been corroborated by marketplace customers’ feedback, who asked for a way to communicate users that Jira is under maintenance on the right moment on the right place. That’s why, we are happy to present Maintenance Mode as the newest excentia Admin Tools addition.
Maintenance Mode allows Jira admins to communicate maintenance work on Jira in an effective way. The communication will be shown on the right environment, avoiding uncomfortable situations.
When an user tries to access Jira, a warning message will be shown and log in will be invalidated:
Moreover, Jira admins will be able to access Jira, but with a warning that Maintenance Mode it’s being carried on.