Show your issues in JIRA like never before.
A picture is a thousand words. More than 70% of the external information comes through the eyes.
3D Issues Map for Jira
You can zoom in on the buildings and find the information on the selected subject.
Visualization comes to the rescue to facilitate both understanding and effective use of Jira.
Visualization comes to the rescue to facilitate both understanding and effective use of Jira.
Visualize your conflicts in 3d
3D Issues Map is designed to help you with image-based conflict diagnosis.
Image viewing facilitates both understanding and effective use of Jira.
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Integrate SonarQube or SonarCloud with Jira. All the information on the quality of the code at your fingertips.
A new custom field type to be able to create lookup fields and link issues.
Tools for Jira administrators. Streamline work and reduce time for common tasks.