logo SonarCloud / SonarQube Connector for Bitbucket

Connecta tu istancia de Bitbucket con SonarQube o SonarCloud

Connect your SonarCloud or SonarQube platform with your Bitbucket instance.

Code quality and security at a glance. This apps brings all the metrics and ratings to your Bitbucket repository, including quality gate.


SonarCloud / SonarQube Connector for Bitbucket

Quality Gate

Get your quality gate status and conditions directly inside your Bitbucket repository.

Multiple SonarQube / SonarCloud instances

You can setup different instances and connect your Bitbucket repositories to any of them.

Documentation and support

To discover all the features in detail visit the documentation page.

Integrate SonarCloud / SonarQube with Bitbucket

All the code quality and security inside Bitbucket

Atlassian and SonarSource better together.

SonarCloud / SonarQube Connector for Bitbucket integrates your SonarCloud or SonarQube metrics into Bitbucket.

Keep promoting clean code by integrating all the metrics in Bitbucket repository browsing, including quality gate and:

  • Reliability: focused on bugs, an issue that represents something wrong in the code.
  • Security: focused on vulnerabilities, a security-related issue which represents a potential backdoor for attackers.
  • Maintainability: focused on code smells, a maintainability-related issue in the code.
  • Security Review: focused on Security Hotspot. A Security Hotspot A Security Hotspot highlights a security-sensitive piece of code that the developer needs to review. Upon review, you'll either find there is no threat or you need to apply a fix to secure the code.

Your code quality and security under control!

Available for:

Bitbucket Data Center
Bitbucket Cloud

Documentation >
Installation >

Detalles Atlassian App Marketplace - SonarCloud / SonarQube Connector for Bitbucket

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