
Extension for cloud code review development environment to deliver clean code

SonarLint works as a spell checker. It detects errors in the code while you are writing it.

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Partner en Latinoamérica

We are the exclusive partner of SonarSource in Spain and Latin America. We are leaders in quality and security of the code with an intrinsic philosophy of continuous improvement, which makes us the perfect partner to guide you, advise you and resolve any questions throughout your journey.

Why choose SonarLint?


Detect coding failures, explain why the problem is harmful to your product and how to fix it.


SonarLint is a free extension designed by SonarSource and is available to install directly from your IDE.


It supports over 25 languages, the most popular IDEs and contains over 5,000 rules for detecting errors.


Analysis settings and rules sync when SonarLint is connected to SonarQube or SonarCloud.

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