Que es SonarQube cloud

SonarCloud is the SaaS solution for writing clean code

With SonarCloud you have a cloud solution to detect and fix errors in the code. It is a tool that easily integrates into the DevOps SaaS platforms and extends your CI/CD work flow. Now SonarCloud is SonarQube Cloud.

Logo SonarSource

Partner exclusivo en España

Partner en Latinoamérica

We are the exclusive partner of SonarSource in Spain and Latin America. We are leaders in quality and security of the code with an intrinsic philosophy of continuous improvement, which makes us the perfect partner to guide you, advise you and resolve any questions throughout your journey.

Features of SonarQube cloud

Know the main features of SonarQube cloud and understand why it is the favorite tool of development teams to improve code quality and security.

Automatic analysis

In most languages no additional configuration is required, which allows to receive optimal results from the first analysis and start improving the quality of the code.

Dozens of languages

SonarQube cloud analyzes the main programming languages to protect your software assets (web, integrated applications, cloud native...)

Integration of DevOps

This solution integrates with the main DevOps platforms: GitHub, Bitbucket Cloud, Azure DevOps and GitLab. Expand your expertise and import projects in minutes.

Work with the Quality Gates

Works with Quality Gates. Pipelines fail when the analyzed code does not meet these Quality Gates to prevent bad code being implemented in production.

Analysis reports

Maximize your work with SonarQube cloud analysis reports. Generate clear reports with accurate information, so you can focus on the real issues rather than false positives.

Integration into the IDE

Add SonarQube for ide extension to your IDE and find errors while you are typing. SonarQube cloud rules and settings are synchronized in your IDE.

The AI of Sonar

The Sonar team has developed a series of functionalities and processes that will allow you to take advantage of AI within SonarQube cloud. ¡Meet them here!

Sonar’s AI Code Assurance

AI Code Assurance

Sonar AI Code Assurance is a process for validating AI-generated code through a structured and comprehensive analysis. This way, developers will be assured that every new code they write meets the highest standards of quality and security before it goes into production.

SonarCloud Plans

Sonar team has recently launched their hiring plans for SonarCloud.We present them to you!

plan gratuito SonarQube cloud

Plan libre

- Análisis de proyectos de código abierto.

- Incluye el análisis de 29 idiomas, frameworks y plataformas de IaC.

- Detección avanzada de problemas y SAST más profundos.

- Análisis de las solicitudes de la rama principal y pull requests.

- Integración con plataformas DevOps.

SonarQube cloud team plan

Team Plan

- Includes analysis of 29 IaC languages, frameworks and platforms.

- Complete analysis of private projects.

- Analysis of feature branches, maintenance and pull requests.

- Definition of a quality standard.

- Synchronized management of users.

Data Center Edition

Enterprise Plan

- Includes 6 additional languages.

- Single sign-on (SSO).

- Management of multiple organizations.

- Detailed reports on the status of projects.

- Reports of compliance with safety standards.

- Specialist packs.

- Commercial support included.

- SLA Agreement.

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