excentia is the perfect partner to help you bridge the gap between development and operations teams thanks to our experience with Atlassian, SonarSource and the Agile world.
We help companies create quality products quickly and efficiently.
New acquisitions, renovations, groupings and upgrades. We help you to manage Atlassian and SonarSource licenses to make everything as simple as possible.
Analysis of the initial scenario, selection of infrastructure, installation and configuration, on-boarding of equipment and projects.
We help you with a roadmap to migrate to new products or update existing ones and we accompany you in the process. No more headaches to stay up to date.
Development service of Atlassian apps and SonarSource plugins. We extend the functionalities of both ecosystems to adapt them to your needs.
Complete support for the most complex scenarios that require any type of task (integrations, developments, data exploitation, and much more).
Courses about best Atlassian and SonarSource tools, software quality, continuous inspection, best practices, process and product management.
DevOps is the perfect solution to integrate your software, operations and business team, improving communication and creating an environment of continuous improvement.
We help you throughout the process from the analysis and the choice of tools to their commissioning, including training.
We develop apps and plugins to add value to the Atlassian and SonarSource platforms.
Try them for free on the Marketplace.